

Non-Sequiturs: 09.23.16

* Kim Kardashian wants to go to law school. Maybe she should worry about a Bachelor's degree first. [Daily Caller] * The U.S. is falling behind the international standard for court transparency. [Fix the Court] * The struggles facing midwestern law schools. [Cleve Scene] * Unsurprisingly, Charles Harder -- Hulk Hogan's attorney in the Gawker case -- takes a stand against the standard in current defamation law. [Law and More] * A look forward at the upcoming Supreme Court Term. [Empirical SCOTUS]

Bad Ideas

How Many Law Schools Can You Fit In Indiana?

Honestly, how many law schools does Indiana need? Two? Five? 317? I just want to know. I just want somebody — Peyton Manning, Mitch Daniels — to tell me how many freaking law schools are required in the great state of Indiana before its legal needs are met. As we mentioned in Morning Docket, Indiana […]


Judge Calls Defendant ‘Gayer Than a Sweet-Smelling Jock Strap’

On Monday, Judge Philip Kirk of Wisconsin sentenced Delton D. Gorges, a 71-year-old former bus driver, to seven years in prison. Gorges was convicted on charges of sexually assaulting boys, after pleading no contest. Judge Kirk had some odd words for the defendant at sentencing. Most notably, he told Gorges: “I think you were born […]

Blog Wars

Lawsuit of the Day: Chris Armstrong v. Andrew Shirvell

Former Michigan prosecutor Andrew Shirvell might be gone from the Michigan attorney general’s office, but he has not been forgotten. Shirvell, an outspoken opponent of homosexuality, has just been hit with a lawsuit — by Chris Armstrong, the ex-president of the University of Michigan student body. Armstrong is suing Shirvell in Michigan state court for […]